How would you like to be?

If you could choose your culture, which one would it be?

How would you like to look? What colour skin, hair, eyes?

How would you speak? With trills and lilts, or monotone and monochromatic?

Questioning, seeking approval and acceptance, or bold and forthright?

How would you like to be seen?

Would it be that you wouldn’t be seen, but felt?

If you could not be seen for what you are, but for your intention?

How much time and angst would be saved, instead of having to prove or defend yourself from the stereotypes?

Do you know who you would be without them?

Would you still be you?

Would you still be hidden from the world in another way?

Would you choose to hide from yourself?

Erroneous judgments we can fight against

Without the cloak of bigotry, we are exposed

How would people label us if they knew us?

Our rotting hole of insecurity

Our dusty, moth-balled dreams

Our ugliness in body and mind

Would we not see a mirror in all we meet?

We spend our lives searching for distractions

Anything that takes us away from ourselves

Otherness only prevents us from letting that beauty become part of us



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